Have You Heard the Good News?
The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska is a unique and diverse body of Christians spread over a vast geological area. For over a century we have worked to bring the Good News of God in Christ to Alaska. Our Bishop is a symbol of unity and is the chief spokesperson of our church.
We periodically publish an e-News Newsletter as well as hold an annual Conference and Convention.

We are at the Threshold of Evangelism and Discipleship
Members of Alaska’s 50 Episcopal congregations share the Gospel of Our Lord from tiny subsistence villages to major metropolitan centers. The Diocese of Alaska covers the entire state of Alaska. We have a land mass of 586,412 square miles with 47,300 miles of coastline, 3 million lakes and more than 3,000 rivers. Civilization has only encroached on about 160,000 acres of Alaska’s 365 million acres. This is less than 1/20th of one percent of the State; the rest is still untouched wilderness, a frontier filled with awesome beauty and inexpressible faith.
Here, at The EDGE of a New Millennium, we are at the threshold of Evangelism and Discipleship through Gospel Engagement. We come together as a Diocese to focus on the Gospel and to see what God is calling us to do as individuals, as communities of faith, as a Diocese and as a “National” church.
– 8th Bishop of Alaska The Right Reverend Mark Lattime
Our Ministries
FIT Grants
Safe Church
Disaster Preparedness
50 Congregations Across Alaska
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