Diocese of Alaska Mission Statement
Approved at the 1995 Diocesan Convention in Sitka
The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska is a unique and diverse body of Christians spread over a vast geological area. For over a century we have worked to bring the Good News of God in Christ to Alaska. Our Bishop is a symbol of unity and is the chief spokesperson of our church.
- are committed to respecting the customs, values, and dignity of our many cultures.
listen and respond to the concerns of one another. - are a voice for those who are powerless or unable to speak for themselves.
- celebrate our evolving Anglican tradition through varied styles of worship rooted in the Holy Scriptures and Book of Common Prayer.
- embrace reason and open-mindedness.
- respect learning and questioning.
- seek spiritual growth, and strive to be good.
- are stewards of change.
- expect justice and work for peace.
- proclaim the Good News of God in Christ.
- seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves
- endeavor to develop and support the ministries of all baptized persons.
- care for each other and for God’s creations, ministering to both through the Love of Christ.