Since 2000 the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) have celebrated a concordat–a formal agreement, known as “Called To Common Mission.” The heart of Called to Common Mission is that the ELCA and the Episcopal Church formally and fully recognize each other’s baptism, confirmation, AND ordination. A pastor ordained in the ELCA may celebrate the sacraments in an Episcopal Church using the Book of Common Prayer and, likewise, an Episcopal priest may celebrate the sacraments in an ELCA Church using the Lutheran Book of Worship. (note: The Concordat: “Called to Common Mission” applies to the Episcopal Church and the ELCA. There are other denominations that use the title ‘Lutheran’ that are not part of the ELCA Synod structures. The Concordat does not apply to any other ‘Lutheran’ denomination)
This Saturday, August 24, The Rev. Tim Oslovich will become the next Bishop of the ELCA Alaska Synod. Bp. Oslovich succeeds Shelley Wichstrom who has been a wonderful colleague in ministry and mission and a friend for the past 12 years. As an expression of our Common Mission, I am traveling to Anchorage to participate in Bishop Oslovich’s Installation Service at Central Lutheran Church at 3pm.
Please join me in praying for our family in the Alaska Synod of the ELCA, in thanksgiving for the ministry of Bishop Oslovich, and in celebration of all that Bp. Wickstrom has given to the mission of God.
I will be visiting St. Bartholomew’s, Palmer, this Sunday.