I write this week from Camp McDowell in the heart of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama. I am here this week for the Spring meeting of the House of Bishops. …
I write this week from Camp McDowell in the heart of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama. I am here this week for the Spring meeting of the House of Bishops. …
One element of my Lenten discipline is to choose a book for study. Usually, I look for a book that offers some insight to my life and vocation. Despite my…
I have been a bit overwhelmed of late by reading my social media feeds. It seems every hour I am notified that a new statement, article, witty comment, or profound…
Lent starts next week. Ash Wednesday is March 5th. The Collect for Ash Wednesday is one of my favorites. It is too bad we only use it liturgically once a…
February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation. It is a Feast Day that commemorates Mary and Joseph presenting the baby Jesus at the Temple 40 days after his birth–as…
The Epiphany is one of the Principal Feasts of our Church year. It is a fixed date feast always celebrated on January 6. The Epiphany is sometimes confused with the…
Merry Christmas! No, I’m not crazy. It is still Christmas. In fact, as I write this it is the 10th Day of Christmas. And while most of the world has moved-on from…
This Sunday, December 15, is the Third Sunday of Advent often called “Gaudete Sunday.” Gaudete is a Latin word meaning ‘rejoice.’ And there is a lot of rejoicing in the lessons…
To all the Faithful in Christ throughout the Diocese of Alaska GREETINGS: I, Mark Lattime, by Divine Providence Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, grant permission for our sainted…
Thanksgiving Day is recognized as a Major Feast in our Church calendar. That means Thanksgiving Day ranks right up there with feasts of the Apostles and Evangelists, Saint Stephen, The Holy…