Striving for the Kingdom of God through worship, prayer, fellowship and ministry.Striving for the Kingdom of God through worship, prayer, fellowship and ministry.
Striving for the Kingdom of God through worship, prayer, fellowship and ministry.
“Back and Forth”
In this edition of the newsletter you will find a summary of our 49th Diocesan Convention that took place last weekend at All Saints’ in Anchorage. I encourage you to read all about the good work of your delegates.
I am writing this note on October 10, which the Diocese of Alaska by resolution of Diocesan Convention, now formally recognizes for the celebration of Hudson Stuck (and the Sunday closest to October 10). Convention also established June 7 (and the Sunday closest to June 7) as the Celebration of Walter Harper and John Fredson. I am delighted that the Diocese of Alaska has established dates to commemorate the life and witness of these extraordinary and faithful leaders–lights in their day that continue to shine even now.
Following the close of Convention, I made my official visitation with All Saints’, Anchorage, on Sunday. Typically, I make my visit with All Saints’ on All Saints Sunday. However, this year on the weekend of All Saints’ Sunday, I will be in New York City attending the Investiture of Sean Rowe as Presiding Bishop. I am honored to have been invited to participate in this service. The liturgy will be available for streaming.
Having returned to Fairbanks for a few days, I leave Friday morning to return to Anchorage for my official Visitation at St. Mary’s this Sunday and to attend the “Come Together Conference” at St. Mary’s on Saturday.
I will return to Fairbanks from Visiting St. Mary’s only to return to the Anchorage airport the following weekend to visit St. Peter’s, Seward. The weekend of October 25-27 I will be in Ketchikan for a Worship Leader Training Retreat.
I give thanks to God for the Diocese of Alaska, for the ministry and leadership that is happening in our communities and for the Spirit’s power working in all of you.