This edition of the eNews is filled with important information and results from the business of the 47th Diocesan Convention that took place September 29 through October 1 in Anchorage. We accomplished a lot, but nothing more important than the prayers, worship, and fellowship that we shared.
I give thanks to God for everyone who attended and for all of you who were with us in spirit and prayer.
Thank you to our Diocesan Office Staff: Suzanne Krull; Lynnette Winfrey; and Melissa Ward, for making the event run so smoothly. Thank you to all our Committee Chairs and Committee Members for your work on the business of the Convention. Finally, thank you to everyone who stood for nomination to the various elected positions serving the Diocese on our committees, commissions, and as delegates to General Convention.
My hope and vision for the coming year is that the people of this Diocese will grow from strength to strength as disciples of Jesus Christ. As disciples resolved to living a Jesus shaped life, may we become living witnesses to his love: telling our own story of faith and hope in His love; teaching others the way of His love; tending to human need in our communities with His love; transforming unjust systems and structures for the sake of His love; and treasuring all creation and every gift of God to honor His love.
Please join me in this resolve.