The Epiphany is one of the Principal Feasts of our Church year. It is a fixed date feast always celebrated on January 6. The Epiphany is sometimes confused with the Twelfth Day of Christmas, but the Twelfth Day of Christmas is always January 5 which is the Eve of the Epiphany or the Twelfth Night of Christmas. As a Principal Feast of the Church, The Epiphany ranks right up there with Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas (there are 7 Principal Feasts observed in our Church. I’ve listed 3 here, can you name the other 4? You can check your answers by looking at page 15 in the BCP). As celebrations go, at least in this country, The Epiphany probably falls just ahead of The Ascension at the bottom of the festivities meter.
The Epiphany is also a bit of an oddball in the Church Calendar. It is listed as one of the Seasons of the Church year (Epiphany Season BCP page 31), but it is a bit like the Season after Pentecost. The Sundays (and weeks following) are not “in” or “of” Epiphany but after The Epiphany, and, following the First Sunday after The Epiphany–The Baptism of our Lord”, the liturgical color is green.
Season or not, these weeks following The Epiphany are an important time in the life of the Church and for each of us as witnesses to and bearers of the Light of Christ and the message of hope and healing that is for all people through the Word of Love born at Christmas. This is our time to let our light so shine that others might see it and give glory to God.
It is also a busy season for many of our congregations. Most congregations will hold their Annual Meetings in the next few weeks. Annual Meetings are important, and every congregation should hold an Annual Meeting to elect its leaders (Vestry, Parish Council, Mission Committee, whatever name your congregation uses). Annual Meetings are also the occasion to elect your congregation’s representatives to Diocesan Convention (Delegates to Convention), and to discuss your congregation’s ministry objectives or mission priorities.
I encourage every congregation to ask “How have we been the Light of Christ in our community? How can we be the Light of Christ in our community now? Work together to form an answer to that question and then make a commitment to pray for that work and to give of your time and treasure to that work.
This is also the time of year when all congregations are required to complete a Parochial Report. Parochial Reports are now online. Please look through this and following editions of the eNews for more information about Parochial Reports. If you have questions, do not hesitate to call the Office: 907-452-3040.