To all the Faithful in Christ throughout the Diocese of Alaska
I, Mark Lattime, by Divine Providence Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, grant permission for our sainted brother, Nicholas, sometime Bishop of Myra, to exercise his ministry and to visit throughout the Diocese of Alaska beginning Friday, December 6 and throughout the seasons of Advent and Christmas.
May His presence among us be a blessing and inspiration to all.
I encourage all Episcopalians in the Diocese to prepare for and welcome Nicholas through acts of giving and generosity, and, as a symbol of your welcome, to leave shoes and boots by your door, stockings by your chimney, and treats for his refreshment.
May God grant St. Nicholas heavenly protection in his travels; and may we, following his example, relieve those suffering desperation, sorrow, poverty or need in this season of hope and goodwill.
Given under my hand and seal in the city of Fairbanks, on this Eve of December 6 in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Twenty-Four, and in the 15th year of my Consecration.
The bishop is visiting Allakaket this weekend, Beaver the weekend of December 14 & 15, and will be at St. Mary’s, Anchorage, December 21 for the Ordination of Erin Tulip, Hannah Moderow, and Ross McKay as Deacons.