Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in helping our Alaska communities recover from recent catastrophes.
As of Sunday afternoon, I had reports from most of our “Episcopal” Arctic Coast communities that, while it was a pretty powerful storm, people in the villages worked together to mitigate any major damage and, mercifully, these communities came through the storm without significant losses. Kotzebue, Kivalina, and Pt. Hope did not have to evacuate and no one was permanently displaced.
The storm was much worse for communities south of Kotzebue. Hooper Bay, Scammon Bay, Golovin, Newtok and Nome suffered the worst.
The most efficient and direct way to help communities recover from the typhoon event would be to contribute to the Alaska Community Foundation or Red Cross.
St. Paul’s, Grayling, was lost to a fire September 3-4. Also lost in the fire was the adjacent storage building.
We are working with the village to support and develop their vision and plan for rebuilding the church. Unfortunately, but true of all our off road system buildings, the structures were not insured for loss.
I am confident that Grayling will rebuild St. Paul’s. They have a custodial fund held by the Diocese that represents a solid foundation to begin with as they envision their rebuilding plan.
For now, interested contributors should send gifts to “The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska” and note that the gift is for St. Paul’s, Grayling.” All funds will be deposited into St. Paul’s custodial account.
Thank you for your prayerful concern and outreach.