Friday and Saturday this week, I am excited to be part of a training program with ministers from our Interior Deanery Communities. Lay Ministers and church leaders from Tanacross, Circle, Arctic Village, Venetie, Minto, Stevens Village, Tanana, Allakaket, Hughes, and Huslia are together studying and preparing for expanded Licensed Ministry in their communities. It is exciting and holy work.
By the end of this weekend’s training course, these Ministers will be fully licensed to officiate services of Holy Communion using pre-consecrated bread and wine. This will greatly expand the sacramental ministry and life of our communities.
One of the elements of the training is the importance of forming ministry teams in communities. Mutual ministry is shared ministry, and shared ministry frees any one individual from responsibility for the leadership and functioning of the congregation.
I am very proud of the individuals who have stepped forward, responded to the Spirit’s call, and are committing themselves to this sacred work.